You are invited to attend our next monthly meeting to be held on Friday, April 12th from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. We will be discussing “Memores Domini: Living God’s Memory in a Post-Christian World” by Antonio López from the Summer 2023 issue entitled Memory (Volume 50.2).
Here are excerpt from the Introduction to the issue:
In “Memores Domini: Living God’s Memory in a Post-Christian World,” Antonio López unfolds the meaning of Christian memory as a mindful adherence to God’s calling presence, above all as God gives himself to us in Christ through the mediation of the Church. In light of Luigi Giussani’s reception of the Rule of St. Benedict, López argues that such faithful remembrance is carried out in a whole life, one which serves the further communication of the very glory of divine love to which it attends. “When the memor Domini accepts the labor of living the memory of Christ at work, when he transforms what he is doing into an offering, he contributes, in ways that always elude his grasp, to the permanence and growth of the mystery of the Incarnation in history and thus bears witness to its beauty in the midst of the world.”