The Whole in the Fragment: The Vocations of Philosopher and Poet for the Salvation of the World

You are invited to attend our next monthly meeting to be held on Friday, August 9th from 4:00pm to 5:30pm.

We will be discussing “The Whole in the Fragment: The Vocations of Philosopher and Poet for the Salvation of the World” by Erik van Versendaal from the Winter 2022 issue entitled The Unity and Mission of the Church: Communio at 50 Years (Volume 49.4). The article can be downloaded from here.

Here are excerpt from the Introduction to the issue:
… in “The Whole in the Fragment: The Vocations of Philosopher and Poet for the Salvation of the World,” Erik van Versendaal unfolds the theological and metaphysical principle that every prior reality dignifies the “secondary” by elevating it into communion with itself. Philosophy and poetry, each in their own irreducible way, repeat this given dynamic anew by contemplatively cherishing the surface and the participant, thereby sharing in the Church’s mission to perfect the world’s integrity in Christ. “To be taken with the superfluous dance of the parts within and beyond the whole is the beginning of contemplation, whose pious safeguarding of the show and shine of things expresses why perfect knowledge is convertible with perfect wonder.”

We will meet in the Kateri Room located at St. Michael’s Church, 240 Hemlock Street, Waterloo, Ontario. Use the east side parking lot and enter by the rear doors. Walk up the stairs. The Kateri Room is on your right before you enter the church proper.

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