Everyone knows about St. Thomas’ Summa Theologiae and all the complicated philosophical questions it raises, but Thomas was also a writer of important spiritual works. The Communio Circle of the Diocese of Hamilton and St. Ann’s Parish, Ancaster present a three-day celebration of Thomas’ exciting commentaries on the Bible. All are welcome to attend any or all of the following events:
On Friday, January 28th, the Feast Day of St. Thomas Aquinas, we will begin with Mass at 7:00pm followed by a talk at 7:30pm given by Dr. Peter Erb, Professor Emeritus, Department of Religion and Culture, Wilfrid Laurier University. This evening we will look at the way people approached the Bible in earlier days and how St. Thomas approached the Scriptures, how his commentaries served and can serve as guides for prayer and contemplation as well as understanding the Bible. We will focus on parts of St. Thomas’ “Commentary on the Gospel of John” (the texts will be supplied) and be doing a number of practical exercises, so bring along lots of scrap paper and a pen, and by all means a Bible (RSV or NRSV preferred, but any translation will do). There will be some “homework” assignments (not terribly onerous!) for the seminar on Sunday afternoon.
On Saturday, January 29th, Dr. Peter Erb will be keeping “office hours” in the Parish Centre basement from 2:00pm to 4:00pm for anyone who wants to discuss the “homework” for Sunday or has any questions that arising out of the talk on Friday night.
On Sunday, January 30th, at 3:00pm Dr. Peter Erb will be facilitating a seminar on the sections covered Friday night from St. Thomas’ Commentary on John. This will be an opportunity for you to share your “homework” assignment reflections and discuss them with others. At 5:00pm we will be concluding our three-day celebration with the Thomistic Toast and Turkey Roast (dinner provided by the Knights of Columbus).
For further details, please contact Fr. Mark Morley at
associate@st-anns-ancaster.com or 905-648-6874, as well as
Dr. Peter Erb at perb@communiohamiltondiocese.org or 1-888-690-1890.
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