Newman’s Idea of a University: In celebration of his Beatification
We will meet on Saturday, September 18 in the Board Room at St. Jerome’s University, from 9am -5pm. All are invited to attend.
9:00 Greetings and opening remarks followed by Morning Prayer
9:15 “Newman’s Ideal University” – Reflections on the “Preface” to The Idea. In the context of “Theology as a Branch of Knowledge” – The opening chapter of The Idea (Myroslaw Tataryn, Dean, St. Jerome’s University)
9:30 Panel discussion on Chapter Five of The Idea: “Knowledge its own End” (Janine Langen, Toronto)
10:30 Break
10:45 Reflections on Chapter Seven of The Idea: “Knowledge in Relation to Professional Skill” (William Danaher, Dean, Huron College, University of Western Ontario)
12:00 Lunch (Can be purchased at St. Jerome’s University)
1:30 The Arts in Newman’s University: Reflections on Newman on Literature (Norm Klassen, Chair, Department of English, St. Jerome’s University)
2:30 The Sciences in Newman’s University: Reflections on Newman on Scientific Investigation (Fr Mark Morley, St. Ann’s Parish, Ancaster)
3:30 Break
3:45 Reflections on Chapter Nine of The Idea: “Duties of the Church towards Knowledge” (Peter Erb, Waterloo)
5:00 Mass
6:30 Dinner (Can be purchased at St. Jerome’s University) The usual Communio custom is that, following the meal, those who wish, will read their favourite short poem – in this case their short favourite Newman passage.
Each of the presenters will offer a 15-20 minute introduction to the topic and discussion will follow. For more information contact us.
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