You are invited to attend our next monthly meeting to be held on Friday, April 11th from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. We will be discussing “Fitted for a Purpose: The Problem of Biological Fitness and an Aristotelian-Thomistic Solution” by Seth Hart from the Fall 2024 issue entitled “Person and Community” (Volume 51.3).
Here are excerpt from the Introduction to the issue:
It is commonly thought that Darwinian evolution put the nail in the coffin of Aristotelian-Thomistic causality. It is also generally accepted that “fitness” is the driving force behind natural selection. The apparent compatibility of these two claims is, however, called into question when we attempt to give a precise definition of “fitness.” In “Fitted for a Purpose: The Problem of Biological Fitness and an Aristotelian-Thomistic Solution,” Seth Hart argues that the current debate in the philosophy of biology regarding “fitness” can be solved by a reappropriation of final causality, and thus an Aristotelian-Thomistic teleological interpretation of fitness. According to this interpretation, fitness becomes the fourfold conjunction of teleologically ordered ends in organisms. As Hart argues, this interpretation is actually closer to Darwin’s own view of the role of fitness in natural selection. “Evolution could then be interpreted as the process by which each creature seeks to imitate the divine goodness more fully in a manner proper to its nature. This would, in many respects, represent a return to the cosmological vision of Thomas and the medievals, yet it is one that, more than being merely compatible with our best scientific theories, may actually be the best conceptual fit for them.”
We will meet in the Kateri Room located at St. Michael’s Church, 240 Hemlock Street, Waterloo, Ontario. Use the east side parking lot and enter by the rear doors. Walk up the stairs. The Kateri Room is on your right before you enter the church proper.
In case you missed it, a video recording of the Thomas Toast talk that I gave back in January entitled “St. Thomas Aquinas: The Unity of Philosophy, Theology and Spirituality” can be found here.
Our next study day will be Saturday, May 24th