You are invited to attend our next monthly meeting to be held on Friday, February 14th from 4:00pm to 5:30pm.
We will be discussing “First of All Receptive: Aquinas on the Place of Relation and Receiving in Created Being” by Michael Joseph Higgins from the Spring 2024 issue entitled “Reforming the Church” (Volume 51.1).
Here are excerpt from the Introduction to the issue:
Michael Joseph Higgins takes a more philosophical approach to the theme of the family in “First of All Receptive: Aquinas on the Place of Relation and Receiving in Created Being.” Higgins considers the recent debate in Thomism regarding whether substance is unilaterally prior in the human person vis-à-vis God or whether our relation to God as our Creator is prior to our substance. This seemingly abstract philosophical debate has profound practical implications for the human person. Higgins argues that, in Aquinas’s mature view, “my act of receiving precedes my substance in every respect, and my relation precedes my substance in one respect and follows my substance in another respect.” This view is not blind to the paradox that my receiving somehow precedes my substance—which is to say that my receiving somehow precedes me. Higgins thus aligns himself with David L. Schindler and W. Norris Clark, contending that their view is not only closer to the spirit but also the letter of St. Thomas’s philosophy.
We will meet in the Kateri Room located at St. Michael’s Church, 240 Hemlock Street, Waterloo, Ontario. Use the east side parking lot and enter by the rear doors. Walk up the stairs. The Kateri Room is on your right before you enter the church proper.